Friday, January 20, 2006

We finished The Dawn Treader, by Ponytails

We finished The Voyage of the Dawn Treader last week. It's a good book. We're probably going to start The Silver Chair. We are also reading The Saturdays series (what I like to call them). Mommy and I have read The Saturdays, The Four-Story Mistake, Then There Were Five, and we're reading Spiderweb for Two. They're good books. They're about four kids named Mona, Rush, Miranda (they call her Randy) and Oliver. And their housekeeper, Evangeline Cuthbert-Stanley. They call her Cuffy and Cuff.

We had Turkish Delight tonight. We got it at the meat store. It smelled like hand soap and it kind of tasted like hand soap. It looks like big jube-jubes with sugar on them. Crayons said she wasn't going to eat hers, so The Apprentice and I broke hers in half and ate it together. I kind of wanted some more! (Okay, I'm not Edmund.)

Has anybody seen the Chronicles of Narnia movie? I'd like to see that movie. I'd like to see Lucy and Susan. I got my friend some Narnia things for her birthday: two puzzles, one of Lucy and Mr. Tumnus, and another of them waiting when they were going to go live with the Professor. And an activity book with magnets on top. I like the one of Lucy, she looks really nice.



  1. We've seen the movie. If you go, I think you'll really like it!

  2. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader was my favorite Narnia book for years. They had so much fun travelling!

    And I also love Elizabeth Enright's books about the Saturdays. :)

    I've seen the Narnia movie twice. It's not perfect, but it is good.
