Saturday, May 27, 2006

Let's go bowling

These pretty girls are Christina and Delancey. They're best friends.

They do fun things together, like try on silly hairstyles!

One day, they were just walking along when...

Whoops! They stumbled into a cosmic bowling lane! Those girls must have been really not paying attention...

But as they walked out, Delancy had a great idea.
"Christina! Let's go bowling with all our friends!"
"That's a great idea!"

So they made a couple calls.

And all the girls came: Chelsea, Delancey, Christina, Barbie, and Susan.

And bowled under blacklights!

What a groovin' time.


P.S. Would you like paperdolls like mine? Here's Christina, Chelsea, and Delancey. I made Susan, and Barbie is an old punch-out paperdoll. I looked for pictures of her on Google, but she wasn't there. Pretty sure she was a Golden Book though!


  1. These were *wonderful*! I especially admired the blue bow. Most flattering.

    A very creative endeavor. You must take after your brilliant Mama.

    ~warm smile~

    Ann V.

  2. We got the flashlight/blacklight at the homeschool conference! The Apprentice was doing a little experimenting with it.

  3. Thank you, Ann!

    I had to experiment to get the photos right. I ended up turning off the flash, and using the self-timer, to get the pictures clear enough.

    Not sure where I got that bow...

  4. Is that Aslan groovin' to the music?

  5. No, it's Samson the turtle-curling champion from The Wild.

    We didn't see the movie and aren't planning to; the toy came with a kids' meal when we went out for hamburgers.
