Tuesday, October 31, 2006

School Days with the Apprentice, Fall 2006 Edition

Just to stay caught up on school...

The Apprentice and I are reading How to Read a Book (for the third year!); Are You Liberal, Conservative, Confused? (from the Uncle Eric series on law and government); and parts of Writer's Inc. (for composition). She's also working through Jacobs' textbook Math: A Human Endeavor, and reading Walk Across America for geography and Sophie's World for literature and worldview. Sophie's World is a book I might have saved for a couple of years because it has some fast-forward parts in it as well as some fairly heavy philosophy topics. I will have to ask The Apprentice to post her thoughts about that one.

Besides that, she's taking grade 9 science and drama at our local high school, and even drama has a fair amount of homework: monologues and dialogues to write and memorize, and now a major assignment on playwrights (including an oral report, NO NOTES) that has to be completed within the next couple of weeks. The Apprentice and her partner have to report on Molière and also act out something from one of his plays. Gee, and you thought homeschool was hard...but better Molière than Neil Simon, I guess.

But tomorrow is Take-Our-Kids-to-Work Day, so The Apprentice will be spending the day with Mr. Fixit. Just like old times.

1 comment:

  1. ooh, Moliere!

    My English class final project is a 10 page analytic paper on any of the pieces we've covered this semester. Right now I'm leaning towards Tartuffe. Fun to see others learning about him too.
