Monday, January 01, 2007

Things I gotta do

I'm not making a list of resolutions, but I do have a list of projects, big and small, that need attention. Some of them are fun, some of them are just things to do!

Here are a few of them:

Work on the Plutarch notes for this term; we're doing Themistocles. (I'm caught up! Last term's notes are done! Hurray!)

Get ready for a special kind of blog carnival coming up soon: A Day That Really Schmecks, in honour of Food That Really Schmecks author Edna Staebler.

Use these Constable notecards I bought to do picture study this term with the Squirrelings.

Get ready to do a workshop at a spring homeschooling conference. Okay, I know it's three months away, but I'm already looking forward to it!

Make dentist appointments for everybody. Clean out the cupboards. Sort out the school supplies. Send a note to my Secret Sister at church. Play ping pong with Mr. Fixit.

Have the Blue Castle inhabitants over for an afternoon.

And there are so many books I want to read: my Book Stack list (I really don't know if I can keep up with this challenge), Paradise Lost, and Coffeemamma loaned me a volume of the Miss Read books.

Big and little things, tomorrow and three months from now--they will all form part of the pattern that's shaping into 2007. I hope at least the really important ones get done, and the rest...well, I'll try to make time for cleaning the cupboards too.

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