Friday, February 02, 2007

If you give a mom some library books

(For Crayons)

If you give a mom some library books, she'll read you If You Take a Mouse to the Movies, because it's one of your friend Baby's favourites.

Reading about the Mouse's snowman will make her think of All You Need For a Snowman, so she'll read that to you as well.

All that snow will make her think of always winter and never Christmas, so she'll read you Lucy Steps Through the Wardrobe.

Stepping through the wardrobe will remind her of jumping through a picture frame, so she'll give you your choice of a Katie book, since you have three of them out. You choose Katie Meets the Impressionists.

The Degas "Blue Dancers" in Katie will remind her of Ponytails' book Ballerina, so she'll send you to get that. But since you don't really want to read it, she'll settle for George and Martha. (Thanks to the Beehive for that link.)

And thinking of hippos will make her think of elephants, so she'll read you A Quiet Night In.

Reading that will make her think of big messes, so she'll send you to dig out If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.

And reading that will make you ask for...

a hug. And you'll get one.

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