Thursday, March 22, 2007

Cooking without recipes

Real actual Treehouse dinners this week:

Tuesday: The Apprentice was getting ready to go make pizza at her church youth leader's house ("Girls' night out"), so she didn't need much dinner. I thawed a couple of chicken breasts and baked them with salsa spread on top (that's the whole recipe), cut them in smaller pieces, and we had them rolled in tortillas with cheese and other taco toppings. We had a salad made out of romaine lettuce, red cabbage, and sliced mushrooms. Although our supermarket was a disaster area last Saturday (don't even ask how long we stood in the checkout line), they did have raspberries, but we somehow forgot to eat them, so those were dessert.

Wednesday: I put about half a bag of frozen hash browns in an eight-cup casserole and it was pretty much full (so maybe 6 or 7 cups?). I mixed in a can of mushroom soup, enough milk to moisten it and a bit of margarine, plus a bit of grated cheese left over from last night, and then the remains of the baked chicken, chopped up on top. I put the lid on and baked that for about an hour, and it was pretty good. Since there was really only a bit of chicken left, I cooked bacon along with it, and I put a butternut squash in the oven as well. And we had the leftover salad. Probably too fatty/starchy (BACON with that? how Grandma), but it was good comfort-type food.

Thursday: oh, that's today. This is Ponytails' help-in-the-kitchen day and I think we're going to make lasagna rollups, the same way that the DHM's guest Unblogger posted about. Just because we have two part-boxes of lasagna noodles and a container of ricotta cheese that want to be used up--and the rest we can improvise.

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