Saturday, June 23, 2007

Charlotte Mason might have liked Mighton

It's already the weekend and I'm still working on some of the things that stood out from last weekend's papers. In the midst of thinking about Big Words, I put off writing about another Big Idea, this one from the Globe and Mail's Books section last Saturday. Here's the review (by Keith Oatley) of John Mighton's book The End of Ignorance: Multiplying Our Human Potential.
Check out these quotes:

"As Mighton observes, there are differences in people's abilities. But do we want a school system that first accentuates such differences, and then takes them to define who people are?"
"When [Mighton] was younger, he worked as math tutor for primary-school children. He was struck by how even children labelled hopeless could learn math by means of simple procedures. It turns out that, approached in this way, math was enjoyable for children, among the easier things to learn rather than among the more difficult."
"He is brilliant at breaking down math problems into parts that children can do easily, which can then form more complex they complete each step and repeat it with small variations, unforeseen abilities emerge, sources of pride and confidence for the children."--all quotes by Keith Oatley, Globe and Mail review
I don't know anything about the JUMP program, but that sounds very CM-friendly to me.

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