Thursday, September 27, 2007

More Blog World, and get the number of that truck

If you want some good stuff to think about, go see the last few posts at The Dominion Family. Cindy is back from her blogging sabbatical, and she has plenty on her mind.

The proverbial truck has hit the Treehouse, leaving everybody in various stages of a head cold and related nasty things. A lot of it probably has to do with the warmest September we've had in awhile; we've been waiting for the weather to change, and so it did--over the last couple of days when we were all getting this cold, of course. Which, we being an unusual form of human barometers, sends us all deeper into the blechy gloom of just-waiting-to-breathe-again. Actually Mama Squirrel is just a bit sneezy, but Mr. Fixit...well, he took an unusual interest in the ad from the local funeral home that turned up in the mailbox this morning.

Oh well. A good frost and a few days will probably fix things up. At least we have lots of apples around here--unlike Cindy. (Y'all have to come up north!)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:28 pm

    I'm so sorry to read that you and your family are feeling poorly. Fall allergies have hit hard at our house.
