Thursday, November 22, 2007

Charlotte Mason would be horrified

Books and Bairns (one of the nominees for Best Cyber-buddy) has a must-read post about a public-schooled kid who--not of her own choosing--does Not Have a Life outside of her schoolwork. She just doesn't have time--read the post and you'll see why.

Reminded me of this:
"These seemed a great many lessons for one small girl. 'Chivvied from morning to night--that's what she is,' Belinda reported in the words of Mrs Bodger. 'Nothing but putting clothes on and taking them off, and practising and lessons, lessons, lessons.'

"Mother was disturbed at this. 'Every child should have some private time,' she said, 'time of her own and time for play.'"--Little Plum, by Rumer Godden


  1. CM would be horrified - and she may have even shaken the woman ;) Unbelievable.

  2. Could you repost with a link to the specific post on that blog? I looked at everything on the main page you linked to and nothing seemed to fit? thanks!

    I love Rumer Godden's books and read tons of them back in college. I don't remember this title, and it's been so long since I read any of them, it's time to go back!

  3. Oops, sorry Annmarie. It's fixed now (link added).
