Monday, July 14, 2008

Up in the Treehouse

Stuff we've been doing:

Rescuing a baby robin that crashed out of his nest (unfortunately Ponytails' kind ministrations didn't pull him through)

Bringing more pink pebbles home from Lake Huron (a day off that started out rainy but turned beautifully sunny by the end)

Rearranging what beds go where (so that The Apprentice can get something that fits a tall teenager a bit better)

Making strawberry jam

Planning for fall school (posts to follow)

Eating Mr. Fixit's barbecue meals (how many people do you know who would make rouladen on the barbecue?)

Watching the bunny who lives under our shed (and who now seems to have another little one there along with him)

Eating a lot of Popsicles. (It's been hot.)

Watching our zucchini get ready to pop out.

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