Thursday, January 08, 2009

Crayons' Grade Two: School Plans Today

We were already three weeks into the second term when we took our Christmas break, so we're just continuing with what we were doing. I want to put more emphasis this winter on memory work (poems, Scripture and so on)--chosen, scheduled, and with lots of review. We're also starting a make-it-up-as-you-go-along study of the Arctic. With the amount of snow we've had over the past two days, we could do a simulation right here. Except that we learned yesterday that some parts of the Arctic get less snow than Virginia does!

As a matter of fact, Crayons is playing in the backyard snow right now (risking the wrath of the non-homeschooling neighbours) instead of starting school. But how many days do you get the right combination of sunshine, not too cold, and lots of fresh snow? I have to remember to go out again later with her and point out the chipmunk tracks across the corner of the yard--I saw Chippy streaking past earlier today.

But when she comes in, we have this on the list:

Opening: sing along with a track from Judy Rogers' Never Be Shaken
Sing two of our new songs: Lukey's Boat and Canadian Boat Song
Bible reading: from 1 Samuel 27; narration
Copywork (finishing some lines from yesterday)
Math lesson
Memory work: "The Sea Shell" by Amy Lowell
Canada Eh to Zed: "Q" page
Writing Christmas thank-you notes
Two poems from Come Hither
"The Undecided Rattlesnake" from Among the Forest People
Spelling City website
After lunch: Sun and Snow Science
Fun readalouds

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