Thursday, July 30, 2009

Math yes, computers no (Donald Coxeter)

From King of Infinite Space, by Siobhan Roberts, about geometer H.S.M. (Donald) Coxeter, 1907-2003
"....Coxeter despised, almost more than anything, the onslaught of the computer age. 'I deplored the attention that people gave to computing,' he said once. 'I was afraid they might neglect other subjects....'

"Coxeter never used a computer, let alone a modem. Although, not wanting to be out of touch with the world of fans that wanted to be in touch with him, he had his son-in-law....send e-mails on his behalf. And, ironically enough, the computer server in the University of Toronto math department has been named in Coxeter's honor--"
--King of Infinite Space, pp. 198-199

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