Friday, April 23, 2010

More vintage books online (A Month with CM #22)

Just nostalgia today: on the same site where I found Aunt Mai's Annual, there are other books mentioned in Charlotte Mason's books or in Parent's Review articles. Here are some I found:

John Aikin's Evenings at Home (more info here)

"The method of this sort of instruction is shown in Evenings at Home, where 'Eyes and No-eyes' go for a walk. No-eyes come home bored; he has seen nothing, been interested in nothing: while Eyes is all agog to discuss a hundred things that have interested him.--Charlotte Mason"

Author: Furneaux, William S
Title: The out-door world, or, Young collector's handbook

"There are many very helpful handbooks, but those mentioned below have been found the most useful. Warne's or any other large Natural History; Furneaux' Out-of-Door World (very useful to beginners, as it tells how and where to collect); Wood's Common Objects of the Country; Wood's Common Objects of the Seashore (Geo. Routledge & Sones, 3/6, coloured plates; or 1/-); any of the Natural History Rambles Series (S.P.C.K., 2/6) (others in the series are here); Geike's Geology (Macmillan, 3/6); John's Flowers of the Field (S.P.C.K., 7/6)."--G.M. Bernau in The Parent's Review, Volume 4, 1893/94, pgs. 603-605

From Programme 94, for Form IV. (The 94th term of work set since the Parents' Union School began.) September to December, 1922. January to March, 1922, in the Dominions.):

Do some definite house or garden work. Make Christmas (gifts?) and provide a Christmas entertainment with (?) poor children. Cooking: Tried Favourites Cookery Book (Marshall, 2/6). Heaton's Cardboard Modelling (Newman, 6/-); make six models. (Materials from Arnold & Son, Butterley Street, Hunslet, Leeds.) Simple Garments for Children, by Synge (Longmans, 7/6). Constructive and Decorative Stitchery, by L.G. Foster, 3/6): design and make a garment. Darn and mend garments from the wash each week: First Lessons in Darning and Mending (P.N.E.U. Office. 2d.) be used. Teacher will find useful What shall we make? by M. La Trobe Foster (C.M.S.,1/-). See also (unless working as Girl Guides) tests under Scouting (Parents' Review, May, 1920): all girls should take First Aid (No.10) and Housecraft (No. 7) Tests. Make a garment for the "Save the Children Fund"; for particulars apply to 29 Golden Square, Regent Street, W.1.

Sorry that most of these last are just links to titles and authors, not whole books. Back to "real" CM posts tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous9:18 pm

    I just wanted to let you know that I am enjoying your Month with Charlotte Mason. It is helping me to improve our little school in the Caribbean. Thank you for taking the time to do this.


  2. Thanks! And you're welcome!
