Thursday, April 21, 2011

What's for supper? Easy smoked sausage recipe

Last weekend Mr. Fixit checked out a European butcher where we hadn't shopped before, and came home with a long skinny stick of smoked sausage.  We haven't had much smoked sausage here in a long time, mostly because of sodium limits.  This one turned out to be a bit different from the dark, thick-skinned, German style smoked sausage we are used to; it was lighter and hammier, more like kielbasa.  But that was fine, because what I did with it would have worked with either style.

Here's the recipe:

In the slow cooker, put some sauerkraut, as much as you want.  Add sliced smoked sausage (I didn't slice it too thinly).  Add cut-up carrots, or baby-cut ones if that's what you have.   I pre-cooked them for five minutes in the microwave, to give them a head start. Put the lid on and cook until everything is heated through; the smoked sausage is basically cooked already, like pre-baked ham.  I gave it about three and a half hours on high, with the carrots already started.

We served it with frozen perogies.

And what do you do with the leftovers?

Combine with a quart of chicken broth and some leftover smack-'n'-cheese, and you have Cheesy-Carrot-Cabbage Chowder for lunch the next day.

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