Monday, September 12, 2011

Some things Mama Squirrel did today

Finished rereading Norms and Nobility.  I had read it a long time ago, but didn't have access to a copy for a long time.

Baked a giant pan of banana bread, mostly to freeze for school lunches and quick breakfasts.

Washed three loads of laundry.

Cooked one pan of spaghetti sauce with lots of green, red and yellow peppers.  Plus spaghetti.

Finished today's school plan with Crayons/Dollygirl, including French, Great Expectations, Leonard Bernstein's "What does music mean?", and some Math Pet Store.  Mr. Fixit handled a science lesson on inclined planes, while he was home during lunch hour.  His version of the lesson had something to do with the picnic table, a doll, a ball, and a stuffed monkey.

Wrote several emails and cleaned out a bunch more.

Conversation over the day's happenings with Ponytails.

More anticipated ditto with The Apprentice when she gets home this evening.

I think that's it.

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