Tuesday, October 04, 2011

What's for supper? What's to use up?

Tonight's menu:

Potatoes, cut up and cooked in the crockpot along with a tiny bit of leftover pork roast, a spoonful of margarine, a cup of chicken broth, some leftover mustard sauce, some milk, pepper, dried onion, and smoked paprika.  Basically, scalloped potatoes.

A bit of thin-sliced smoked pork loin from the Euro-butcher, fried up in the non-stick pan.  Basically, back bacon.

Last night's salad:  spinach, celery, green pepper, and pink beans.

Corn bread

Dessert:  layered graham crackers, blueberries (from a frozen package), and vanilla yogurt (the discount grocery had all the flavoured yogurts on for a dollar last week)

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