Mix and match: what yard sale finds go with Mr. Fixit, Mama Squirrel, Ponytails, and Dollygirl? (The Apprentice was at her summer job.)
Speaker stands
Big book about collecting Barbies
Lucy and Ethel "Friends" tin sign
Three books: Sarah's Cottage, by D.E. Stevenson; The End of Education, by Neil Postman; Hilda Boswell's Treasury (illustrated stories and nursery rhymes)
Four unfinished wooden magazine holders, to paint or decoupage
Answers will be posted at the end of the weekend. Which is Monday, because this is a long weekend. Happy Canada Day!
Answers: Mama Squirrel bought the magazine holders and the three books. Mr. Fixit bought the speaker stands. Ponytails bought the sign. Dolly girl bought the Barbie book. But you already figured all that out, didn't you?
Yep. I'd have guessed! Keen to see your magazine stands decoupaged. Happy Canada Day! Belated, alas.