Monday, September 03, 2012

Homeschool things to do for Tuesday: maps and geography

Dollygirl's sixth-grade geography class--at least the formal part--is meant to be done once a week, on her own.  I am combining some resources we have to make a study guide that will cover the first two terms of the school year.  I'll probably add in things like online quizzes and videos, when we get there.

Here's a sample:

Week 1
Cool Geography, by Jane Glicksman: Read the Introduction: What's So Cool About Geography?

Hammond Discovering Maps. Read pages 4-9 and narrate.

Question:  This book assumes that you live in the United States. How would you rewrite the "Your Country" section for Canadians?

Week 2

Cool Geography, chapter 1: Cool Maps: The World At Your Fingertips, to page 10
Keywords: map, scale, legend, compass rose

Hammond Discovering Maps. Read pages 10-12 and narrate.

Week 3

Hammond Discovering Maps. Read pages 13-15 and narrate.

Cool Geography, chapter 1: Cool Maps: The World At Your Fingertips, pages 10-14
Keywords: types of maps, gazetteer, atlas, marine chart

Cool Geography Activity 3: Map questions about the United States (page 20)

Week 4

Cool Geography, chapter 1: Cool Maps: The World At Your Fingertips, pages 14-22
Keywords: absolute location, Equator, Eratosthenes, Greenwich, hemispheres, latitude, longitude, degrees, International Date Line, Ptolemy, time zones

Cool Geography Activity 2: Make a grapefruit globe.

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