Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dollygirl's Grade Six: Tuesday School Plans

Math: Key to Decimals, Book 4; section on Averages. It makes perfect sense to put this section into a workbook on decimals, because so much of the arithmetic you do with averages turns into decimals! The book also includes some bar graph averaging. I will probably assign a page of word problems ("Averages in Sports") as homework. (These are the same sample pages you can download here.)

Readaloud: The Pushcart War, chapters 34-36. (End of the book!)

Roman history review:  watch this video, but just from about 18 minutes on, the parts about Brutus and Cassius (mostly in good taste--Leon Garfield wrote the screenplay--but it's not for little ones):

Augustus Caesar's World:  "Antony and Octavian Divide the World." We also read the next section, "Horace and the Country Mouse."

Archimedes and the Door of Science:  "Archimedes and King Hiero's Crown"
1.  Read to yourself:  pages 54 to the top of page 60.
2.  Narrate orally.
3.  Read together:  pages 60-61.
4.  Find a pencil stub between 2 and 3 inches long, and get a glass of water and a bottle of rubbing alcohol.  Do the experiment on page 62.
5.  Read together:  pages 63-64 (first half of the page), which explains about hydrometers.

For extra credit:  read this article about whether or not the Eureka story really happened...or at least happened as the legend says.

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