"Thy life is precious to thee - would'st it save,
Live in the light of the sun ?
To that end great possessions would'st thou have,
Would'st after riches run ?
Nay, Child, thy life's first law thou fail'st to comprehend,
Nor see'st how th' life thou lov'st shall last until the end.
"Thou think'st to stay thy life with pride and praise,
Fond braveries of the earth,
Fat things and fragrant would'st have all thy days,
Riches, renown and mirth ?
Poor soul, a mystery be to thy fond eyes revealed -
Those choice things thou dost covet devour as a worm concealed." ~~ Charlotte Mason
Math: continue Key to Percents, Book 1. Most of this book (first of three) should be review for Dollygirl, so I'm not assigning pages--she can just move at her own pace.
Natural history: another lesson on the story of coal. Oh, hurray, said Dollygirl. But this time we get to go under the ground...so to speak...and look for clues.
Folk songs
Memory work: start working on a Scripture passage for this term.
History: The Story of Greece, "The Seven Conspirators." "Three years passed before the Theban exiles, encouraged by Pelopidas, formed a plot to deliver their city from the Spartans."
Copywork, from C.S. Lewis
French: practice new vocabulary from yesterday (mostly about thatched cottages)
Van Gogh, "Cottages couverts de chaume"
Afternoon work: Picture study, poetry reading, and The Aeneid of Virgil (half of chapter 7)
Linked from the Carnival of Homeschooling linky at The Common Room.
I am always amazed to gaze into the window of other people's homeschools. I love to see the various places you pull from to educate your children. Since you have both copy work and memory work have you considered checking out Vocabulary and Spelling City (www.spellingcity.com)? They have templates to make your own worksheets for penmanship, copy work, etc. You can make custom sheets based on the subject matter that your child is working with at the time. Just though I would pass that on. Happy homeschooling!