Monday, May 13, 2013

Dollygirl's Grade Six: Plans for Monday


Old Testament:  continue Lore Segal's The Book of Adam to Moses

Arithmetic:  Key to Percents Book Two, pages 6-7, Using Cross-Products to Make Equal Fractions

Studied dictation:  from The Fellowship of the Ring

Outdoor Break

Repetition:  work on Scripture memory passage

Geography:  Begin working on Devon, including map work  (my favourite maps for this are at, but there's also a good one at

People Pages (year-long notebooking project)

French:  Hachette Illustrated French Primer.  "Nous sommes en hiver.  Il y a de la neige et les enfants au sortir de l’école font des boules de neige et se les jettent.  Il y a deux garçons sur le mur."  Review the phrase "il y a."  Goal for the end of the week:  to use the given phrases to describe the picture.

French song:  Raffi,  "Y a un rat" (a bilingual version)

Afternoon work:  readalouds, other projects.

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