Most of what we're going to get to this year...we've gotten to. The rest will have to wait, because both Dollygirl and Mama Squirrel are ready for a break. Ponytails is also in her last few days of public high school Grade Ten, and she will also be writing exams over the next week and a half.
We're still reading The Two Towers, and that won't be done by the end of school. Summer reading!
Video about Brother Andrew:
Poetry, memory work
Key to Percents
"Waterfront activities" (swimming lesson)
Video about Brother Andrew:
Poetry, memory work
Key to Percents: end-of-book test!
The Aeneid: 9 pages
Reading from the Book of Proverbs
Amy Grant video with French subtitles (fun!)
Virgil's Aeneid, by N.B. Taylor: we read all the way to the end!
Critical Thinking Balance Benders, Level 2
A math challenge about patterns that I found online
A couple of Usborne pages about the late Roman Empire and the spread of Christianity
Thank you for the Brother Andrew videos. We will finish the book this week!