Sunday, June 23, 2013

Dollygirl's Grade Six Spring Exam Questions

Adapted from Parent's Union School exams for Form II.

Bible Lessons.

1. Explain one of these passages from Saviour of the World:

"Go thou to Gennesareth and cast a hook ;
Draw the first fish to land, nor pause to ask
Is't small or great ; when thou hast ope'd his mouth,
A shekel thou shalt find ; that take and pay
To the men - just Temple-dues for thee and Me."

2. "Thou think'st to stay thy life with pride and praise,
Fond braveries of the earth,
Fat things and fragrant would'st have all thy days,
Riches, renown and mirth?
Poor soul, a mystery be to thy fond eyes revealed -
Those choice things thou dost covet devour as a worm concealed."


Write four lines of poetry from memory (in your best handwriting).

Dictation (unprepared).


1. Tell a story in prose, or verse, about one of the following,--Aeneas, Juno, Gandalf, Treebeard.

2. Tell about a museum or other historic place you have visited.

General History.

1. What are some ways Augustus Caesar tried to restore faith in the gods of the Roman forefathers? Was he successful?

2. Tell what you know of "The Old Silk Road."


1. Tell some of the low and high points of the life of Winston Churchill.

2. "Cognitive dissonance is a form of stress that happens when a person encounters a fact or persuasive idea that disagrees with his model.  The more important his model is to him, the greater will be his stress."  (Uncle Eric Talks About Personal, Career, and Financial Security)  What does this mean?  Give examples.


1. What are some ways that “making a living” has changed in Cornwall and Devon? (What did people do in days gone by? What are the main industries today?)

2. Describe a visit to a) Redruth, b) Tintagel.

3. Define a) pilchards, b) clotted cream, c) hot pennies.

Natural History and General Science.

1. Draw and explain something of what you would see in an ancient “coal forest.” OR tell generally what you know of the story of coal.

2. Tell how a water clock works.

3. Explain why one “dead-heads” flowers. How often should this be done?

4.  Tell about the discovery of "Planet X."

Picture Study.

Describe Matthew Maris's pictures:

A "The Girl at the Pump."

B "Butterflies."


1. Describe, in French, the pictures on page 76 and 80.

2. Use, in written sentences, the phrases “plus grand que,” “le roi est,” “il y a”.

3. Translate this into English: "Nous sommes en hiver. Il y a de la neige et les enfants au sortir de l’école font des boules de neige et se les jettent. Il y a deux garçons sur le mur."


1. An original illustration from The Lord of the Rings.

2. Abby’s Garden.

3. A man on a horse, jumping, galloping.


Father to choose a Psalm, a poem, or a passage from the Bible Lessons.


Father to choose an unseen passage, giving marks for enunciation.


Tell what you know about the writing of Handel’s Messiah or about the (true story of) The Water Music.

Linked from the Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival at Higher Up and Further In.


  1. So I knew pilchards and clotted cream ( not together). Had to ask the English husband about hot pennies, though!

  2. Pilchards with clotted cream? Oof. Sounds like one of those so-called pregnancy cravings like pickles-and-ice cream.
