Monday, October 28, 2013

Dollygirl's Grade Seven: Just one school-plans post for this week

For this week of Reformation Day, Hallowe'en, and All Saints' Day, I'm just going to post this once about school plans.  And if something goes awry or we have a great awakening, I'll come back later.

A couple of good hymns for this week, besides the obvious "A Mighty Fortress":  "Christ is Made the Sure Foundation," sung to either "Regent Square" (a.k.a. Angels From the Realms of Glory) or the somewhat fancier "Westminster Abbey" by Purcell; "O God, We Praise Thee," based on the Te Deum laudamus.  The interesting thing we discovered for ourselves is that the words to "O God, We Praise Thee" are very similar to "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name"; and by reading the authors and sources beside the hymns (I can't help it, I always do), the reason is simple: "Holy God" is based on the same Latin hymn.

(Did you know you can still buy The (1969) Mennonite Hymnal?  With shaped notes, even. All our home copies were bought, somewhat battered, at thrift shops; I didn't know you could buy new ones.)

Apologia General Science:  A couple of sick days and other interruptions meant that the boats-in-the-bathtub experiment from Module 3 never got done, and that one's actually fun (not to mention satisfyingly wet and messy), so I didn't want Dollygirl to skip it completely.  She also still has to write the test for that module.  We are skipping Module 4 (about levers and other simple machines, which we've done already), and I want to do Module 5 together all this week even if she's still finishing Module 3 at other times.  Module 5 is kind of, well, different than you'd expect a chapter to be about Archaeology and Paleontology.  Mostly it ends up being about evidence for theories and things you'd like to prove, such as ancient manuscripts (i.e. the Bible).  In Module 6, we'll seriously get into rocks, but Module 5 is more something to read together and discuss.

Stuff to read:  Sigurd the Volsung, Shakespeare's Coriolanus, Ourselves, the architecture chapter we never finished (same interruptions).

Math:  Continuing Beat Algebra Before It Beats You.

Those are the most important things for this week.

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