Friday, October 11, 2013

What to make with a white sheet, besides a Hallowe'en costume

White sheets are good for stuff besides putting on beds and Hallowe'en costumes.

We had a giant-sized vintage cotton percale treasure, that came with the house (along with a number of other things).

A year ago I used some of it to make a doll pinafore.
Then we used some big pieces of it to make doll chair slipcovers.
This week we finished the sheet off, more or less.  I made a ribbons-and-lace nightgown for Dollygirl's Samantha (the girliest-girl of her dolls), and then cut ten handkerchiefs out of what was left. (I told you it was a big sheet.)
I machine-hemmed some of the hankies for Mr. Fixit, and Dollygirl is going to finish off the rest with different-coloured thread so that she has some of her own.  There are a few little scraps left, so Dollygirl was thinking...dolly hankies?

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