Tuesday, November 05, 2013

What's for supper? Sausage penne

Tonight's dinner menu:

A casserole made from bratwurst, baby-cut carrots, penne, and tomato paste plus water.  I started the sausage and carrots baking in the tomato paste/water mixture, while I cooked the end of a bag of penne.  (I am not usually a pasta snob, but I think there is penne, and there is penne, if you know what I mean. Getting a better brand seems to make the dish turn out better.) When the penne was mostly done, I drained it and added it to the casserole, along with enough extra liquid to keep it moist, and let the whole thing cook awhile longer, until the sausage was done.  I sliced the sausage to make it easier to serve, and put some grated Parmesan on the table.



Garlic toast made from homemade whole wheat bread.

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