Monday, December 02, 2013

Frugal finds and fixes

Frugal stuff we've been finding and fixing:

I won a book on SewMamaSew's Handmade Holidays, a random draw from the comments section. (Thank you to the providers of prizes!)

I also got a free copy of Canadian Geographic Magazine, their annual Energy issue, along with a poster and some promotional teacher stuff, because somehow I got myself registered as a Canadian Geographic Education member and forgot about it.  It's always nice to get school surprises in the mailbox.

Do you remember how Dollygirl made a doll tutu back in September, and the dolls put on an impromptu Nutcracker show?  This week Samantha (the doll) decided she likes gymnastics better, so the rec room has been taken over with improvised doll balance beams (tissue boxes and yard sticks), bars, and fun-foam floor mats.  We also watched You-tube videos of Nadia Comaneci at the 1976 Olympics.

We went to arts night at Ponytails' school (Ponytails was one of the organizers).  Fun and free, and some unnamed squirrels did some Christmas shopping from the tables of artists and crafters.  Dollygirl decorated a mug with bake-on markers, for $2 (you had take them home and bake them yourself).  I also bought a $15 holiday arrangement from the horticulture class, which doesn't sound frugal, but we needed one, and I would have had to spend more than that at a store, and I would rather support the students' work anyway.

Dollygirl and her friend went to a free Saturday event at the public library, with lots of different things to explore and create.  The Rainbow Looms table stayed crowded the whole time, and so did some of the other most popular stations; but they did dress up at a photo booth, and they also got to see a 3-D printer in operation.

I've been using odds and ends of yarn to make amigurumi animals.

Tonight's dinner menu:  beef burritos, using last night's roast beef and some tortillas that we bought on sale and froze.

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