Sunday, December 22, 2013

Perogy Casserole

Ponytails requested this for Christmas dinner.  It's a pretty common recipe: lasagna noodles, potatoes, cheese and diced onions; but I had worked out our own lower-sodium, streamlined version of it a few years ago, and posted it to our former food blog, Low Sodium Frugal.  And when I went looking for our recipe tonight (after the power came back on), I suddenly remembered that LSF is gone.  Oops.  But I did have a printed out copy, so here it is.

If you're not going for rock-bottom low sodium, you can add more cheese, some salt, etc.  This was just the way I cut it back when Mr. Fixit was on a very low-salt diet.

Perogy Casserole, Treehouse Version

Cook 15 lasagna noodles in a big potful of boiling water.
Prepare 2 cupfuls of mashed potatoes (you can use the same pot).
Grate or chop 2 ounces (or more) Cheddar cheese and mix this with the mashed potatoes; add some pepper and 1/4 tsp. onion powder.
Mix 1 cup cottage cheese with 1 egg or equivalent replacer, and another 1/4 tsp. onion powder.
Melt 1/2 cup butter or margarine (no-salt if necessary) in a small skillet or pot; add 1 small onion, chopped small; cook until onion is soft.

Grease or spray a 9 x 13 inch pan; if you have one with a lid, use that; otherwise you'll have to cover the pan with foil.
Line the bottom of the pan with 1/3 of the noodles.
Cover with cottage cheese mixture.
Cover with second layer of noodles.
Cover with mashed potato mixture.
Cover with third layer of noodles.
Cover with hot cooked onions-margarine/butter mixture.
Cover the pan and bake for 30 minutes.  Let sit 10 minutes before slicing.

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