Monday, January 27, 2014

Dollygirl's Grade Seven: Can you believe it's Week 18?

At the end of this week, we'll be halfway through the school year.  Seriously.  Right now, weatherwise, it doesn't ever seem like it's going to be hot June, much less mild March or April, but we will have faith.  I think we'll call this year The Long, Long Winter.

Today's school plans:

The Accidental Voyage: Discovering Hymns of the Early Centuries, by Douglas Bond.  ages 169-178.  "'The sea may kick up her heels a trifle,' said Mr. Pipes.  He scanned the blue expanse all around them.  'A blow could follow a calm such as this....However, no sense our worrying over the future; we are in God's hands, my dear, not some storm's.'"

Read some Coleridge.  Choose memory work.

Math:  finish algebra unit this week.  We read part of a lesson on, about removing parentheses and brackets; Mama Squirrel found a similar online exercise, for practice, on the MathIsFun website.
Sigurd the Volsung:  try to finish this week so we can start Ivanhoe next week.  We finished Book II today: Sigurd and Brynhild pledge their love (while holding The Ring; yes, there's a Ring in this story too, but you probably knew know, Wagner, The Ring, all that); but you just know that it can't be that simple.

Exploring Creation Through General Science:  finish up the geological units this week if we can.

One page of The Easy Grammar Plus, on verb tenses..

French history:  start working on the Crusades.

Book of Centuries

Sewing: doll panties with elastic, for Kit. (Good job, Dollygirl!)

Tonight: swimming lesson.

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