Tuesday, January 21, 2014

One pound of meat, one big pot of soup

Yesterday I made a big potful of minestrone, which Mr. Fixit calls Hamburger Soup.  So what's in a name, right? Ponytails said it smelled like restaurant soup, which is a compliment.

This is what I did: browned a pound of ground beef, drained off most of the fat, added in some chopped onion and celery and let them cook a few minutes.  Added a can of pasta sauce and several cans of water; when it boiled, I added a cupful of what the grocery store packaged as "soup mix." That is, a mixture of lentils, grains, and small beans.  I let that simmer for a couple of hours, stirring it to keep from sticking, adding water if it needed it.  You could probably do it in the slow cooker too.

Later I added chopped zucchini, a few mushrooms, and pasta bowties, along with extra basil, oregano, garlic powder, salt and pepper.  That's it, and it made a lot.  Something for the freezer!

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