Friday, March 28, 2014

Dollygirl's Grade Seven: School plans for Friday

Friday's school plans for Term Three, Week One:

O Canada, because it's Friday

Basic Bible Studies: read verses together about our adoption into God's family

Hymn: "Children of the Heavenly Father"

Composer Study:  Read about Schubert in History of Music and Boyhood of Great Composers Book One.  Listen to one of the songs mentioned.

French history, begin Chapter 7, narrate.  Find something to draw showing life in the 12th century.  (Listen to some Schubert during drawing time.)

Math:  continue Saxon lesson.

Shakespeare's King John: finish reading Scene One.

"Transcription":  "Choose and transcribe passages (in beautiful writing from Bridges) Poems of To-day, and the other books set..."

Discussion of handicrafts and "extra" subjects this term

Money Matters for Teens workbook, first lesson:  read together and do the assignments for weekend homework.

Return of the King.

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