Wednesday, March 26, 2014

School plans for today (Dollygirl's Grade Seven)

This week we began Term Three of Grade Seven.  We're experimenting again with some new (new to Dollygirl) resources, so in most cases I can't say yet "this is working great" or not.  So far penmanship (Fix it...Write) has gone fine, but Saxon math has caused a bit of tooth grinding.

Here's what's in the workboxes for today (our workboxes are mostly plastic magazine holders):

Bible:  Book of Numbers, reading together.

English History:  Introduction to Henry II and Thomas a Becket.  A few minutes for the Book of Centuries.

Poetry reading.

Online map drills using the Seterra website.

Penmanship lesson.

Shakespeare's King John (first time we have done this one)

Saxon Algebra 1/2:  continue working on problem set 38.

Easy Grammar Plus workpage on nouns

French lesson

Natural History:  start reading The Spring of the Year.  Go outside if possible, and make notes or draw something in your nature notebook.

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