Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dollygirl's Grade Seven: Plans for Monday

Opening time (hymn, prayer)

Old Testament: Book of Numbers 14:1-25  (Read and narrate)

Math:  Saxon Algebra 1/2. Review order of operations and the different ways to indicate multiplication (Lesson 43). Look at new work in Lesson 44; do practice problems a-d and problem set questions 1-7.
Picture Study: Jan Vermeer, "A Lady Writing"
What do you remember about Jan Vermeer? What were his most common subjects? Read paragraph on page 126 of The World of Vermeer, that "the substance of Vermeer's paint seems as if it were made of crushed pearls melted together."

Read 'The Sea Hath its Pearls" by Heinrich Heine, translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

The Sea Hath Its Pearls
The sea hath its pearls,
The heaven hath its stars;
But my heart, my heart,
My heart hath its love.

Great are the sea, and the heaven;
Yet greater is my heart,
And fairer than pearls or stars
Flashes and beams my love.

Thou little, youthful maiden,
Come unto my great heart;
My heart, and the sea and the heaven
Are melting away with love! 

Study the picture for several minutes and describe it in as much detail as you can. Read the paragraphs on page 127, about how "Vermeer shaded a blue area not by painting brown over blue as most of his contemporaries did, but by using another tone of blue, and then another—each minutely different." Also read the descriptive paragraph on page 154 (beside the painting), about light and pearls. Draw the chief lines of the composition. 
Easy Grammar Plus:  continue review of nouns.

English History: "The Judges of Assize"

Introduction: How did the barons become strong enough to force King John to sign the Magna Charta? What did the Magna Charta promise? (Justice to all men) What was the biggest problem with that?
Read the first paragraphs of the chapter, explaining how justice was carried out prior to this time, and what the problems were (why the justice system did not work well).
Look online at some pictures of Westminster Hall, part of the Palace of Westminster.  Why are these buildings so important in England?  What famous clock is at the end of the North Tower of the Palace of Westminster?

Read the paragraph starting, "A few years ago, anyone who went to Westminster.."   Narrate.
Read the paragraph starting, "But if everyone had to come to London to get justice..."  Continue to the end of the chapter.  Narrate.

(If you want to know where the word "assize" came from, it is related to the Latin/French words for "to sit," and to the word "session."  The courts of assize were sort of sessional courts, in the same way that some college instructors are sessional lecturers.)

General Science, Module 12
Introduction: Tell about the experiments you did last week with the candle. What did that show? What two things does combustion require? Why do we need oxygen?
Today's question: does combustion produce anything besides energy? We will perform two experiments to find out the other products of combustion.
(Follow the instructions in the textbook)
Describe what you saw in the first experiment. What product of combustion was formed? (Read the paragraph on page 302)
Describe what you saw in the second experiment. Read the explanation on pages 302-303. What product of combustion was formed?
Narration; explain what we inhale (and why) and what we exhale (and why).
Question 12.3, about carbon dioxide fire extinguishers (why they work).

Literature:  Ivanhoe

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