Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dollygirl's Grade Seven: Plans for Tuesday (Updated)

New Testament: Gospel of Mark:  continue reading at your own pace, making notes as you go.

Citizenship Part One: Current events.(This is what we talked about.)

Geography Game: Brainbox "The World."  We added our own variation to the game: if you roll a 5, instead of answering the question for that number, you have to find your country on a map of the world.

Citizenship Part Two: Plutarch: Cicero, Lesson 4 
"If so many people suspected Catiline of conspiring to overthrow the government, why couldn't they just arrest him?"
"Why did the Romans "mislike" to see Cicero wearing armour under his outer clothing? Weren't they glad to see he was protected?'
"When the Senators heard the proof of the conspiracy, how did they react? How did Catiline "thumb his nose," so to speak, on his way out of town?"
Transcription (Copywork):

WE should not mind so small a flower,
Except it quiet bring
Our little garden that we lost
Back to the lawn again.
So spicy her Carnations red,      
So drunken reel her Bees,
So silver steal a hundred Flutes
From out a hundred trees,
That whoso sees this little flower,
By faith may clear behold      
The Bobolinks around the throne,
And Dandelions gold.  (Emily Dickinson)

Natural History: The Spring of the Year: bobolinks, bird coverings, crows, and broken feathers.  Look up bobolinks online (I like  this site) and find out why you may not have seen any yourself.  The book has a "note to students" at the back suggesting that you could look for diagrams of bird feathers in a dictionary or bird reference book; we have the DK Guide to Birds which has good illustrations.

Math:  Saxon Algebra 1/2, Lesson 44.  Review any problems with questions 1-5.  Make up your own word problem based on question 6.  Solve questions 8-11 "on the board."   Homework: questions 12-15, 25, 26. (Re question 26: there are 5,280 feet in a mile.)

English History: "Personal Liberty and Trial by Jury."  "No man shall be punished in any way except by Law, and that whenever he be charged with any crime, he shall have the right to be tried before a jury of his countrymen before he is found guilty."  Read independently, and narrate, maybe with.a dramatization?

Poems and metre practice: "The Solitary Reaper," by William Wordsworth

French (review recent work)

Citizenship Part ThreeOurselves Book II: pages 70-73.  'But most of us have little chance of seeing men and things on a wide scale, and our way to an instructed conscience is to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest."  Some thoughts on poetry, novels, and essays.
"...this is the line that influences our living, if it speak only-- 'Of old, unhappy, far-off things, / And battles long ago.'  A couplet such as this, though it appear to carry no moral weight, iinstructs our conscience more effectually than many wise saws."  ~~ Charlotte Mason, Ourselves Book II, page 71

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