Sunday, August 10, 2014

Three weeks until school starts, and the Squirrelings grow up

Seems like just yesterday we were posting those countdown photos of the dolls...a whole year has gone by. It's kind of funny that there are three of them sitting on the couch, much like the three Squirrelings.

The Apprentice will be experiencing, for the first time in her memory, a September when she will NOT be starting school.  (Except for the year Ponytails was born and we delayed school until Canadian Thanksgiving.)

Ponytails, whose first blog posts here looked like this, has a part-time job and is going into her last year of high school.

And Dollygirl (a.k.a. Crayons)  is now a little bit taller than I am, and recently acquired an adult-sized bike. This week I gave away all the multiplication flash cards and our set of Monopoly Junior.  (She wants to keep the Pirate Snakes and Ladders game, though.)

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