Wednesday, October 08, 2014

A Week in the Life, updated again: Wednesday (Lydia's Grade Eight)

Hymns:  "And Can it Be"
Current events

Daughter of Time page 165-174.  Why Tyrrell's confession was so bogus.

Lydia checked her e-mail and then went off to read Westward Ho!, chapter 14.  She narrated orally and I drew a line from England to South America on our laminated wall map, to show how far Amyas would have to travel to rescue Rose.

We had a short discussion on blogging ethics and choir Christmas music.  Mama Squirrel went to put a large, baked, somewhat cooled butternut squash through the food processor and a load of jeans in the washer.  Lydia went on to do some math:

Math, A Human Endeavor:  Still on Arithmetic Sequences.  She says this chapter is too easy.  (Isn't that nice sometimes?)

The Apprentice arrived for an overnight visit, and Mr. Fixit made sandwiches.

After lunch: Mr. Fixit and The Apprentice drove to the next town to pick up an electronic part. Mama Squirrel did the dishes. Lydia went back to working on the math lesson.  She said that she found an easier way to do the problems, so would it be okay to do it that way?  I said, do it the way that works best for you.

We read a few pages of A Man for All Seasons.

French:  continued this week's work on verbs.

At that point, Lydia decided that she had done enough school for the day.  She had some free time while Mama Squirrel messed around in the kitchen.

History of English Literature, "Blank Verse": work on that writing assignment from yesterday.

The Easy Grammar Plus:  Still on the Cumulative Review (a little of everything).

Choose other AO Readings (history, geography, Bible, science) from this week's list.

When The Apprentice returned, she taught Lydia how to play Hanabi. (The Apprentice is always good for new games.)

Photo found at .

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