Sunday, November 09, 2014

Lydia's Grade Eight: French lessons for this week, and some vintage printable stationery

Book used:  Complete French Smart Grade 7

This lesson's special vocabulary (begun last week): nouns for things like lawn, earth, grass, garden, flowers; verbs for water, gather, fill, grow, plant, etc.

Read out loud and copy onto one of the free floral cards or sheets from this amazing website.
La bonté de l'Éternel remplit la terre.  Psaumes 33:5

Oral exercise: Make sentences with "I like," "he likes," "I am going to," "he is going to," plus verb infinitives from the lesson, plus nouns if necessary.  So: the French for "I like to watch the birds," "he is going to plant some flowers," and so on.  Add words for "today" and "tomorrow" to fit the case.

Written exercise: Very similar, on page 35.

Folk song: see below! (repeat during the week)

Reading and copywork: Mon bien-aimé est descendu à son jardin... pour cueillir des lis.  Cantique des Cantiques 6:2 

Oral exercise 1: Use the last sentence from yesterday's written exercise, page 35, to make new sentences.  So: from "The earthworms help the flowers and the grass to grow" to "She helps her father to mow the grass."

Oral exercise 2: I will ask you some questions, and you respond in French (Where do you plant the tomatoes? I plant the tomatoes in the garden.)
Read the sentences at the bottom of the page, and translate.

Written exercise:  Same sentences: circle the right question words.

Reading and copywork: De sa haute demeure, il arrose les montagnes....  Psaumes 104:13

Oral and written exercise: page 38, begin working on subject/object words for who and what. Practice asking questions about sentences like "She helps her father" (who does she help?), and make up new ones.

Reading and copywork...un temps pour planter, et un temps pour arracher ce qui a été planté... Ecclésiaste 3:2

Oral and written exercise: page 39, you are given answers to interview questions with "Murielle," the winner of the garden contest. Choose the right question words, and then work (with me as necessary) to complete the questions.

Readng and copywork: Dès que ses branches deviennent tendres, et que les feuilles poussent, vous connaissez que l'été est proche.  Matthieu 24:32

Role play:  Act out the interview with Murielle!

Folk Song: Where Have All the Flowers Gone?
Que sont devenues les fleurs du temps qui passe 
Que sont devenues les fleurs du temps passé 
Les filles les ont coupé elles en ont fait des bouquets 
Apprendrons-nous un jour apprendrons-nous jamais 

Que sont devenues les filles du temps qui passe 
Que sont devenues les filles du temps passé 
Elles ont donné leur bouquet aux gars qu'elles rencontraient 
Apprendrons-nous un jour apprendrons-nous jamais 

Que sont devenus les gars du temps qui passe 
Que sont devenus les gars du temps passé 
A la guerre ils sont allés à la guerre ils sont tombés 
Apprendrons-nous un jour apprendrons-nous jamais 

Que sont devenues les fleurs du temps qui passe 
Que sont devenues les fleurs du temps passé 
Sur les tombes elles ont poussé d'autres filles les vont les couper 
Apprendrons-nous un jour apprendrons-nous jamais

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