Friday, January 09, 2015

Frugal Finds and Fixes

Frugal things I did this week:

Refilled the hot chocolate can with homemade mix

Read library books

Did logic puzzles in a magazine I bought with a Christmas gift card, and made one puzzle do double duty by using it for math class

Watched library DVDs and listened to Nero Wolfe on the radio

Used the frozen saved bits of Christmas squares to make Chocolate Fig Balls

Made slow cooker cereal with half brown rice, half barley

Cleaned out some we're-near-the-end-of-homeschooling resources to give away, which doesn't exactly save us any money but maybe it can help somebody else with their thrifty homeschooling. And it does free up space.

Used up as many groceries as possible (rather than buying something else)

 Made pumpkin cookies with a cup of frozen pumpkin.
Lydia found ice skates at the thrift store, plus a bag to carry them in, plus a pair of jeans.

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