Thursday, January 22, 2015

School plans for Friday (Lydia's Grade Eight), updated with art links

Stitch by Stitch, by Jane Bull

Lydia is in the middle of another knitting project, so this is a good day to do some readalouds.

Today's plans:

1. Opening hymn and maybe a couple of poems

2. With Mom: finish the last bit of How to Read a Book for this week.

3. Chapter 2 of Perelandra

4. Do some math (Key to Algebra: graphing equations)

5. Read some history
Whooping Crane
6. With Mom: start the next chapter in Ecology (Exploring the World Around You), including the section on territorial population control (read that part to yourself and then paraphrase it either verbally or on paper). In the December 2013 issue of Canadian Geographic Magazine, read "On the Rebound," about six Canadian species that have "rallied from the very edge of extinction."

7. With Mom: look at Dürer's self-portraits. Khan Academy has some excellent (short) videos on them too.

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