Sunday, January 18, 2015

School plans for the week (Lydia's Grade Eight)

Week 18 begins...

Morning readalouds:

Seeing the Mystery, chapter 3: "One of Us." "Do we know what speaks best to Indonesians? Would a painting by Raphael of the Crucifixion seem as strange and unreal to them as this Indonesian portrayal does to us?"

How to Read a Book: starting chapter 11, "Agreeing or Disagreeing with an Author." "If the reader understands a book, how can he disagree with it?"

Whatever Happened to Justice (Uncle Eric), chapter 21: "Instability, Nuremberg, and Abortion."

(Well, we could just stop right there, couldn't we?)

Independent Bible Reading: already scheduled.

History and Literature: Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves; reading about Charles I in The New World and The Trial of Charles I

Mathematics: working in Key to Algebra, Booklet 8

Composition and Grammar: The Roar on the Other Side; Easy Grammar Plus

Science readings: personal choice.

Latin: Our Roman Roots, finish lesson V. Theme for the week: "By leading us to truth, education lifts us above the cares of life."

Afternoon readalouds:

Journey to the Source of the Nile; continue the chapter "Lay down the burden of your heart: Bagamoyo to Zungomero." "[Burton's] first major goal was to reach Zungomero. That was our goal, too, but we had a problem: Zungomero has completely disappeared from all modern maps."

Exploring the World Around You, start chapter 9, "Population Balance." "In the predator-prey relationship, most people think that it is the predator that controls the prey population...But, it is just as true to say that the prey controls the predator population."

The Merchant of Venice

Afternoon other things:

Jean Sibelius, Symphony Number Four. Notes and extracts (I love this site!)

Nature studies, Life skills

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