Friday, January 02, 2015

Some of Lydia's Term One exam responses

1. Tell a story from Hamilton's Mythology.
Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess named Psyche. Every man who saw her fell in love with her. But up in Olympus, Aphrodite was getting very jealous. She wanted the men to worship her! So she sent her son Cupid to stop Psyche from attracting so much attention. But alas, like every man before him, Cupid fell hopelessly in love with her. He had Apollo send her father, the King, a message saying that he must leave Psyche on a nearby hill. Where she would be taken to marry a great serpent. Her sisters wept with Psyche at the terrible fate she had been sentenced to. But the next day she went to the hill, and from there she was taken to a beautiful palace. At night, when all was dark, her husband the serpent came into the room. It was too dark to see him, but she fell in love with him. The next day she saw her sisters mourning her at the hill. She complained to the serpent about how she missed them. He loved her so much that her permitted her to let them come visit her. So the next day they were brought to see her, and all three rejoiced at seeing one another again, as they had believed that the serpent would kill her. She assured them that it would never harm her. They tried to persuade her to look at her lover, but she ignored them, and sent them away with piles of gold and other treasures. But the sisters, overcome with jealousy at all her treasures and her happiness, returned the next day and managed to persuade her to look at him while he was sleeping. She did so that night, and discovered not a serpent but instead the most handsome man she had ever seen. However, while she was looking at him some hot wax from her lantern drips on his arm, and he wakes up and flies away. He goes to his mother Aphrodite's palace, where she fixes up his burn. Meanwhile, Psyche, who feels horrible about going against Cupid's wishes, goes to Aphrodite's palace to become her slave. Aphrodite sets her multiple impossible tasks, which she accomplishes with help The last task is to go pick up a box of beauty from another goddess. She opens the box out of curiosity and immediately falls into a deep sleep. Cupid sees her from his window and flys out to wake her up. They end up getting married and she becomes a goddess.
1. Summarize a day at sea on the Kon Tiki.
They took turns keeping watch at night, and when they all got up in the morning they would eat fish or something. Then they would do various chores and work to keep the raft in good shape. Sometimes they caught sharks and was pretty boring, as they were just sorta floating along, waiting to spy some land.
Citizenship/Government (Plutarch)
1. Plutarch's Life of Crassus Why does Plutarch say that Crassus "shewed greater courage in this misfortune [the death of his son], than he before had done in all the war beside," or in Dryden's words, "outdid himself in this calamity?" 
I think that Crassus felt like he needed to avenge his son...or maybe he wanted to make sure that his son hadn't died for nothing. Either way, he just knew that the battle needed to be won...for his son.
2.  Tell as much of Malala's story as you know, and write your thoughts about the above quote.
Malala is a young Muslim, who went to school each day, but the terrorists didn't want girls to have an education. They ended up shotting Malala, but she survived, and ever since being shot she has been working very [ ] to get Muslim girls good education. She is now attending a wonderful school in London. I think what she is saying in that quote is that she used to take school for granted, but when it was taken away by the terrorists Malala realized how much she loved and missed it.
3.  "Then, when conscience says nothing we are all right? you ask.  By no means, for the verdict of conscience depends upon what we know and what we habitually allow." (Charlotte Mason, Ourselves Book II)  Explain what is meant here; give examples.
What is meant there, is that sometimes we can instruct our conscience not to say anything. Or it could be so used to you doing something that it just stays quiet. Sometimes you might just be drowng out the things your conscience is yelling at you.
2.  Tell the story of Maupassant's "The Necklace."  
There was a pretty young woman who had very expensive taste. However, her family was very poor and they could never afford to buy her fancy things. She also couldn't marry for money, as people married those of the same class as themselves. So she married a man who made very little money. He worked at the board of education. She had a very rich friend whom she visited often, and when she saw the beautiful things her friend owned, she would go home and be disgusted with her small, plain home, her one maid, her lack of jewels. Then one day her husband managed to get the pair of them tickets to a very exclusive ball. Instead of her being excited as he had expected, she burst into tears. When he asked her what was wrong, she responded that she had nothing to wear. He asked her how much a nice gown would cost, she told him about 300 francs. Now her husband had been saving up for  a rifle, and he had exactly 300 francs saved. He gave the money to her, and she bought a lovely gown...then she started crying again, this time because she had no jewelry to go with it. By how her husband had had enough. He told her firmly that they had no money for jewelry, and that she would have to borrow something from her friend. So the next day she went to get something. Her friend pleasantly agreed, and allowed Marie to pick something. Marie picked a lovely diamond necklace, and she positively shone at the ball. All the men wanted to dance with her. When they finally got home, Marie discovered that the necklace was missing! The next day they went out shopping and after looking everywhere they found an identical necklace...for thousands of francs. They bought it, putting themselves in great debt. Marie brought the necklace to her friend, who scolded her for taking so long to return it, then gave it to the maid to put away without opening the box it was in. It took them 10 years to pay off the debt. When it was all over, Marie, who's beauty had wasted away with all the work, was walking down the street when she saw her friend (looking lovely as ever) walking down it too. She greeted her friend, who didn't even recognize her at first, and told her the truth about the necklace. Her friend gasped and said "But my dear, the necklace I loaned you was a fake, it was only worth about 50 francs!"
Picture Study
1. Describe "The Three Ages of Man" by Titian, OR "The Madonna of the Rabbit" ("Madonna and Child with St. Catherine and a Rabbit.")
In the painting "The Madonna of the Rabbit" we have a young woman (Mary) taking a child (Jesus) from a much finer dressed woman (St. Catherine). Mary has a rabbit at her feet, and is gently caressing it with one hand while reaching for baby Jesus with the other. They are all in a calm, peaceful meadow, and they all look fairly happy.
Music Appreciation
What a) operas b) other works by Richard Wagner have you heard? Write notes on one of each. (from a PUS programme)
Lohengrin: Once upon a time there was a lovely princess. She wished desperately for a husband, and she had had a dream about a handsome green knight. She wished to marry him. He came down the lake sailing in a beautiful swan boat, and they wed, but he made her promise him that she would never ask his name. She agreed, but a witch convinced her to ask. So she did, and he left her.

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