We could take a quote for this coming week from "Uncle Eric": Humans are not made to be gods, they can't handle it. It reminds me of something I read recently in a Mitford book: that it is not up to us to make everything and everyone around us perfect; that's God's job. Isn't that kind of what Charlotte Mason said too, not to interfere with the Holy Spirit's work in human souls?School plans for the week:
Bible: already scheduled.
Christianity and art: finish chapter 4 of Seeing the Mystery.
Citizenship: A chapter from Ourselves Book II. Whatever Happened to Justice?, chapter 27, "The Fun is in the Playing."
History: concentrate on The Trial of Charles I.
Geography: the journey from Lake Tanganyika to Lake Victoria, with maps.
Composition: work in The Roar on the Other Side.
English literature: the poetry of George Herbert. Choose some memory work. Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves.
Readalouds: keep reading Perelandra. I have a feeling we're not going to get through this by the end of the term, but that's okay.
Composer study: Ralph Vaughan Williams.
Ecology: Chapter 11 of Exploring the World Around You: "Succession." How does the observable process of succession parallel the hypothetical process of evolution? This chapter refers to a Canadian film, "The Spruce Bog: An Essay in Ecology," directed by Dalton Muir in 1957. The film does not appear to be available online, but the link is to the original two-page teacher's guide.
Science biography: The Seashell on the Mountaintop.
Latin: keep working on Lesson VII of Our Roman Roots (we're about halfway through the book).
P.S. The school year is going by so quickly, way too quickly. We have two weeks left in the term, then exams, then a week's holiday, then Term Three. And if you don't think it's going to be hard not to try to stuff every very last thing into that very last term...
I am feeling traumatised already. How will I cope? (Yes, I know, it's all about me.)