Sunday, May 03, 2015

Time for another book binge?

I go through times when I read a lot in a short time. Then I do something else for awhile. Make Christmas presents. Write things. Then I need to fuel up again.

Right now it's time for some reading. We went yardsaling yesterday and I found a copy of Frederick Buechner's The Alphabet of Grace. I've already finished it (it was that good). (Review coming.) There are a few books sitting on my shelf that got halfway done, so I guess those are next.

1 comment:

  1. I am taking a short break from review books to do some pleasure reading. Later this summer I plan to read through all the Anne Morrow Lindbergh diaries one right after the other. I read them long ago and they were quite wonderful. I like to concentrate on one author or subject for a season.
