Wednesday, June 03, 2015

The Book, and a new website

(In which I shed my Mama Squirrel fur, for any of you who don't know my Human identity.)

When I finished the posts (earlier this year) on Herbartian Education, I just kept writing.

Fueled by banana chips (you thought I was going to say coffee?), I put some long-percolating thoughts together on Charlotte Mason's "Way of the Will" and "Way of the Reason," and they turned into a book. I have also been exploring the ins and outs of self-publishing, which is to say that Minds More Awake: The Vision of Charlotte Mason will be available in print and e-book formats later this summer.

To keep all that organized, I've started a new website. Come on over and visit. (One of the grownup Squirrelings has created a free printable surprise to go with the book cover.)

There's also a blog at the new site, which I'm just starting. I'm not sure yet how that's going to change Dewey's Treehouse; maybe the treehouse will become more of our vacation home!
In a lovely twist of fate, this is the week that the praying mantis oothecas (from last year's L'Harmas retreat) seem to be hatching. Mine is in the garden with the lettuce and spinach, and I'm watching it carefully.

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