Monday, November 02, 2015

Mama Squirrel's Daybook

What I'm working on today: a revision of an older Plutarch study.

What I'm listening to, in between that: Reading in Morning Time, a Morning Basket podcast with Pam Barnhill and Brandy Vencel. (The opening rooster was a bit startling...)

What I'm making for dinner: Mr. Fixit is going to make hamburgers.

What I'm making for some other dinners: Dry mixes for split pea soup and lentil soup. (I package beans and lentils separately from the seasonings.)

What I'm looking at: a blue, blue October sky, with orange leaves all over the ground (and some left on the trees). Sparrows and chipmunks. Ladybugs--still lots of those around.


  1. Ha! The rooster! I jump every. single. time. I listen to an episode of that podcast. :)

  2. It was a great podcast!

  3. Thanks! :) Pam is fun to talk with. :)
