Monday, January 18, 2016

Thinking through the pantry and the freezer

I am a bit ahead with the HomeStorageSolutions decluttering calendar, which is all about kitchen cupboards right now. There are some cluttery things about our kitchen, but they're not all things I can control; so I just do my best. And yes, there are china egg cups and wine glasses and so on on the top shelf, but they're not hurting anybody. If I suddenly need a functioning top shelf that high up (hosting a team of basketballl players?), I'll do a Clean Sweep.

Looking at the next assignment, pantry food, was more workable for me this week. After I got done filling bags of dry mixes (which also let me know about any surpluses and lacks), I made a list of the canned food. I realized that we had more tomatoes and beans on hand than usual, and that was good, because we were out of freezer meals. Mr. Fixit picked up some chicken and beef on Saturday, and, along with a bag of peppers and a package of mushrooms, that was enough to make two bags each of:

Chicken Cacciatore
Chicken Chili
Chinese-style Beef and Broccoli
Sloppy Joe mix (browned meat and seasonings)
"Cheeseburger Soup" (misleading name because we use it for pasta sauce).
Plus one meal of chicken-with-chili-sauce that we ate when we were done un-cooking.

HomeStorage suggests that we eat from the food on hand over the next couple of weeks; that won't be a problem.

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