Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Thrift scrounging for fun and profit

Another load to the thrift store, another few minutes inside to scan the dollar racks. These photos look like I'm joining the priesthood or a choir, especially because the camera plays tricks with colours; but the cĺothes do look better in real life.
Grey tank (for a dollar) that started out as a long-sleeved top. The sleeves were too tight and one of them had a stain, so I snipped them off at the shoulder seams. (The seams were serged, so I didn't need to fix any raw edges.)
Purple handmade fake suede coat, half of a suit, marked down from $15 to $1 for the coat and skirt. It had large shoulder pads sewn in between the coat and the lining, but I took those out. I don't want to wear it as a suit, I just needed a coat. Somebody went to a lot of work sewing this, so I was happy to rescue it for a dollar. Or fifty cents, if you count the skirt (which I am probably going to turn into a tote bag).
Closeup of the coat
Purple top, also a dollar. I was looking for a blouse like this, so I was extra-happy to find one on the last-chance rack.
I splurged on this grey cotton vest: it was three dollars. Total for this trip: six dollars.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:18 pm

    That coat is awesome! And you got a skirt too! Great buys!
