Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Plugs and podcasts, now with an extra link

Some useful stuff for teaching parents:

Discover Reading, by Amy Tuttle. How an experienced homeschool mom applies Charlotte Mason's early reading lessons.

Let's Play Math, by Denise Gaskins. Just about everything you need to be a great homeschool math teacher, all in one book. I was impressed by the fact that this is not just another book of website links: it's something I actually enjoyed reading (even without anybody homeschooling here now).

Some things you might like to listen to:

The most recent episode of The Mason Jar, with guest Naomi Goegan. You too can do nature study!

And more nature study: The Deputy Headmistress reads from a CM-era conference paper. The Reverend Thornley is said to have been a favourite guest with the student teachers at Ambleside.

Episode 13 of Your Morning Basket. About Plutarch. With I hope you enjoy it. (There is a new volume of The Plutarch Project coming out soon too.)


  1. I *loved* your podcast interview! Listened to it yesterday and enjoyed every second. :)

  2. I am saving it for today, Anne, thanks for sharing it, I didn't know it was there.
    I will also plan to get and read Denise ' s book.

  3. I really enjoyed the episode about Plutarch -- very inspiring! This is our first year doing Plutarch (my oldest two are in Y4), so I'm gearing up for the long haul with these readings. I found your interview to be just what I needed for providing the context of what, why, and how we're doing this! :)
