Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Do-Vember in the Treehouse (Pulling out my Pins)


It's a new month. It's that new month that, in my corner of the blog world, usually means the  Christmas sewing and crafts start to appear.  Sew Mama Sew is starting their annual crafting-plus-giveaway

There isn't any Wednesday Hodgepodge this week (since our indefatigable Hodgepodge Hostess and family are finally getting to move into the house they've been building. I was browsing through the archives there, looking for an old Hodgepodge that I could borrow for inspiration, and I found this 2011 Pintervention post instead. Short version: some people just like to Pin things. Other people actually make and do the things they pin about. The challenge in that post was to take photos of things you had actually made that were inspired by something you saw on Pinterest.

I started a Pinterest account about a year ago, actually when I was looking for Christmas gift ideas. So yes, I can say that I am not just a "serial pinner," I do make use of a lot of what pops up. Some of my boards are just dreams (things to do in Edinburgh), and I admit that I am not too likely to make Hallowe'en mummy cookies. Others are just nostalgia: I don't really want a stack of the books I read when I was little, but I like seeing their Tip Top Elf covers all arranged in a row.

But other Pinterest boards I created--those are the do-it ones, the equivalent of the Mom-I'm-bored box for grownups.

So November is going to be Do-Vember at the Treehouse. I'm going to Use it or Lose it on a number of the things I've pinned over the past year.  Successes and fails: I promise to be honest.  Watch for the first Pin Post later today.

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