Monday, November 21, 2016

Mama Squirrel's (tentative) reading list for 2017 (Updated with links)

I had a frightenly long to-read list on GoodReads. All probably very good books, but more than I could even contemplate getting through. Some of them were books that I think I should read, or that somebody told me I should read, but that I don't really want to, at least anytime soon. So I did some major chopping.

Out of what's left, I pulled forty titles that really caught my attention, that I can imagine reading in the next year...or two.  

Getting Love Right (very short, Kindle only)
Willard, Dallas 

Whyte, David

Barfield, Owen

Stapert, Calvin R.

Reynolds, Barbara

Reid, Alastair

Pollard, Justin 

Pieper, Josef

Markos, Louis

King, James

Shaw, Luci

Shaw, Luci 

Guroian, Vigen 

Guite, Malcolm  

Guite, Malcolm  

Ford, Leighton
Fish, Stanley 

Esolen, Anthony

Endersby, Jim

Hodges, Andrew

Eliot, T.S.

Eberhard, John P.

Duckworth, Angela 

Townsend, John

Clarkson, Sally

Pohl, Christine D. 

Brown, Nancy Carpenter 

Things Fall Apart (The African Trilogy, #1)
Achebe, Chinua

Ishiguro, Kazuo

Rawlins, Christine

Goudge, Elizabeth

Doerr, Anthony 

O'Brien, Stacey

Dana, Mrs. William Starr

Bailey, Elisabeth Tova

Aalto, Kathryn

Thomson, Hugh  

Evans, Paul

Morton, H.V.

Woodward, William Harrison 


  1. Since I'm still reviewing, my list is made month by month. But it is definitely time for a Scent of Water reread. I just recommended it to someone last week.

  2. Brenda, I had some D.E.Stevenson on the list too, but took it off just because I only have one of her books, never see them when I'm shopping used, and I think the library only has a couple as well. If I come across any, I'll happily read them.

  3. What a great list! I read Doerr's The Shell Collector a few months ago after enjoying All the Light We Cannot See and his memoir, Four Season in Rome. A couple of the stories were a bit earthy but the collections as a whole was impressive. I like how he explores the intersection of culture and nature without being new-agey about it. ;)

    A couple on your list are on my list for this year too. Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go has been on my mind since a handful of AO ladies recommended it last year. And I have read the Scent of Water (delightful) but am hoping to read the other two books in the Eliot trilogy next year if I can get my hands on them.
    I haven't read anything by Luci Shaw but she is on my to-read list as well.

    I'm reading the Vittorino da Feltre book along with Brandy and finding it interesting and eye-opening. It dove-tails so nicely with the classical discussion taking place of late.

  4. Hi Celeste! I am trying to follow Brandy's posts too, but figured I won't finish the book this year (still barely started on it!) so it's going on the 2017 list.

  5. Yes, it will definitely be on my 2017 list as well! I'm only 30 pages in, I think, and my heady-reading time is about to be taken up by Norms and Nobility on the forums along with Karen. :) So it's a long-term read for sure.

  6. Wow, so many titles and trails to follow. I don't think I heard of that Esolen book before.
